Activating your software automatically without a key file (new registration wizard)

This article applies only to specific versions of Materialise software. Please refer to the Activating Materialise Software Guide‍ to find the correct version for your product.


These instructions are for products using the new registration wizard (Magics 24.1 and higher). 

To activate your software without a key file, you will need an internet connection and a valid license (CCKey or voucher). After installing and running the software, the registration wizard will open.

  1. In the registration wizard window, select Activate or renew local license.

2. Select Automatic activation and renewal (recommended) and click NEXT.

3. Enter the CCKey/voucher code that you received by e-mail and click NEXT. 

Tick the box "automatically renew all license codes" to renew the license automatically

14 days before expiration.

4. Your software has now been activated or renewed. Click Finish to start using your software.

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