How to reset your local license

To reset your local license information, please follow these steps:

  1. Under Windows services, stop the service(s) called Materialise Local License Server [version number]
  2. In the folder C:\ProgramData\Materialise\LicenseFiles delete (or rename) the following files (if they exist):
    • fixed_sync7.dat
    • index_sync7.dat
    • LLSUsers.lic
    • MatSoft.L6.lic
    • MatSoft.L7.lic
  3. Verify that the current user has full control (read, write, and modify permissions) for the entire folder C:\ProgramData\Materialise\LicenseFiles
  4. Under Windows services, start the service(s) called Materialise Local License Server [version number]
  5. Reactivate the CCKeys again through one of the following methods:

After performing these steps, your licensing information should be reset and cleaned up.

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