
Update: 2025.01.14



====== プラットフォーム変更申請書(2025年度版: ローカルライセンス) =============== ここからコピー ======


旧システムIDを持つPCから当該ソフトウェア、Local License Server及びライセンスをアンインストールし、新たに下記の内容の通り変更を申請します。


------ ご申請者について ----------------------------------------













■ Eメールアドレス: 


------ PCと変更理由について ----------------------------------------














------ 申請するソフトウェアについて ----------------------------------------













====== プラットフォーム変更申請書(2025年度版: ローカルライセンス) =============== ここまでコピー ======



====== プラットフォーム変更申請書(2025年度版: フローティングライセンス)=============== ここからコピー ======


旧Computer IDを持つPCから当該ソフトウェア、License Administrator、Floating License Server及びライセンスをアンインストールし、新たに下記の内容の通り変更を申請します。


------ ご申請者について ----------------------------------------













■ Eメールアドレス: 


------ PCと変更理由について ----------------------------------------














------ 申請するソフトウェアについて ----------------------------------------





■旧Computer ID: 


■新Computer ID: 






====== プラットフォーム変更申請書(2025年度版: フローティングライセンス)=============== ここまでコピー ======


Application form of Platform Change (Local License)

=== Application form of Materialise Software license Platform Change (Local License: 2025 ver.) ========== START ===

I would like to apply for Materialise Software Platform Change due to the following reason.

I will uninstall Materialise software & license from OLD PC after finishing the license transfer.


------ Please fill in your information ----------------------------------------

(You can copy the signature from the email if you have all the necessary information)

--- Your name:


--- Your Company name:


--- Division & Section:


--- Company Address:


--- Phone number:


--- E-mail:



------ Reason that you would like to Platform Change ----------------------------------------

--- Manufacturer of new PC, model name:


--- Manufacturer of graphic board and specification (option):


--- OS & version:


--- Reason (please remain your answer):

+ temporarily changed due to PC failure (please fill in when will return)

+ replace to high-performance workstation

+ SSD or HDD crashed

+ OS recovery or OS upgrade

+ Other (please fill in a detail):



------ Materialise Software ----------------------------------------

(If you have several licenses of our software, could you please copy & paste follow?)

--- Target software’s CCK:


--- OLD System ID:


--- NEW System ID:


--- Target Materialise Software name:


--- Version that you want to launch:


=== Application form of Materialise Software license Platform Change (Local License: 2025 ver.) ============ END ===


Application form of Platform Change (Floating License)

=== Application form of Materialise Software license Platform Change (Floating License: 2025 ver.) ========== START ===

I would like to apply for Materialise Software Platform Change due to the following reason.

I will uninstall License Administrator, Floating License Server, Materialise software & license from OLD Server PC after finishing the license transfer.


------ Please fill in your information ----------------------------------------

(You can copy the signature from the email if you have all the necessary information)

--- Your name:


--- Your Company name:


--- Division & Section:


--- Company Address:


--- Phone number:


--- E-mail:



------ Reason that you would like to Platform Change ----------------------------------------

--- Manufacturer of new PC, model name:


--- Manufacturer of graphic board and specification (option):


--- OS & version:


--- Reason (please remain your answer):

+ temporarily changed due to PC failure (please fill in when will return)

+ replace to high-performance workstation

+ SSD or HDD crashed

+ OS recovery or OS upgrade

+ Other (please fill in a detail):



------ Materialise Software ----------------------------------------

(If you have several licenses of our software, could you please copy & paste follow?)

--- Target software’s CCK:


— OLD Computer ID:


— NEW Computer ID:


--- Target Materialise Software name:


--- Version that you want to launch:


=== Application form of Materialise Software license Platform Change (Floating License: 2025 ver.) ============ END ===




