Magics 27

Latest news and user documentation related to the Magics 27 release

Latest news

08/02/2024: Magics 27.03 Quarterly Maintenance release

01/02/2024: New known issue - Impossible to change part selection when BP dialogs are open (resolved in Magics 27.03)

28/09/2023: New known issue - Missing CAD import(s) after Magics upgrade (resolved in Magics 27.03)

26/09/2023: Magics 27.02 Quarterly Maintenance release

03/08/2023: New known issue - Failure to save SG profile in Magics 27 (resolved in Magics 27.02)

19/07/2023: Magics 27.01 Quarterly Maintenance release

15/05/2023: Magics 27.0 Major release


Magics 27.0

What's New: English, française, español, italiana

Build version:

Release Notes: English

User manual: English


Magics 27.01

What's new

  • New MatConvert 10.5, which ensures compatibility with the latest CAD formats. The imports of Parasolid, CatiaV5, ACIS SAT, and Siemens NX have been updated to the latest version.
  • Fixes to the export of certain files
  • Fixes to avoid potentially missing functionality when upgrading from earlier Magics versions
  • Fixes in integration with Streamics, e-Stage, and CO-AM Machine Manager

Build version: or

Release Notes: English (= addendum to Magics 27.0 release notes)

User manual: see Magics 27.0


Magics 27.02

What's new

  • New MatConvert 10.6 embedded, which ensures compatibility with the latest CAD formats. 
  • ‘Autocolor’, ‘Paint Part’ and ‘Triangle Colors’ commands are enabled in the Home ribbon of platform scene layout.
  • Added support for reading ASCII *.cli files
  • Bugfix for Failure to save SG profile in Magics 27
  • Fixes to the import of certain CAD files
  • Fixes to prop generation
  • Fixes to label tags

Build version: — available via 

Release Notes: English (= addendum to Magics 27.01 release notes)

User manual: see Magics 27.0


Magics 27.03

What's new

Build version: — available via 

Release Notes: English (= addendum to Magics 27.02 release notes)

User manual: see Magics 27.0




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