Wrong Block Support "Rotation angle"

Wrong Block Support "Rotation angle" for values outside current boundaries in projects saved in Magics 25 or earlier and opened in Magics 26 or later

This article applies to Magics 26 and above.
If the "Rotation angle" for Block support has a value outside the boundaries 0.00 to 89.99 in a .magics project saved in Magics 25 or earlier, then - when opening the project in Magics 26 or later - the displayed value will be wrong, taking one of the boundary values.

In Magics 26 most of the Support generation pages were restructured and the boundary values of parameters were updated to reflect better the physical representations. Rotation angle had the boundaries between -200000.00 and 200000.00.  
In Magics 26 the boundary changed to 0.00 to 89.99
For the projects saved in Magics 25 and earlier where the "Rotation angle" had a value outside the boundaries: 0.00 to 89.99 - when opening in Magics 26 or later - the value will be displayed as one of the current boundary values: 0.00 or 89.99. The support structure is not changed during opening of the project, but when regenerating the displayed values will be taken, which might lead to unexpected support structure.

User needs to manually change the values of the "Rotation angle" when X hatching and Y hatching are equal. 
For the cases when X hatching and Y hatching are different, these values will need to be updated, too, to reflect the previous geometry of the support.

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