Manage the Floating License Server

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for managing licenses on an installed floating license server.
Need help installing a floating license server? Refer to the floating license installation guide for detailed instructions.

Access the Floating License Server

  1. Right-click Command Prompt, select "Run as Administrator."
  2. Type cd <file location>, replace <file location> with the path to the folder where the license server file flexnetls.bat is located on your system, and press Enter. 
  3. Run flexnetls.bat -start and press Enter.

Click here for an instruction video on accessing the Floating License Server


Add Licenses

With an active internet connection

ℹ️ Connection prerequisites for online activation

To activate your license online, your license server must be able to connect to a specific address over the internet.

✅ Check this connectivity by using the following command to verify if your system can reach the required address: curl -I

⚠️ In some IT-restricted environments, this connection may be blocked.
If you encounter this issue, you have two options:

  1. Opt for the offline activation flow, which can be found in the selection bar above.
  2. If you are working with a proxy server, use these instructions for configuration.

Confirm the connection prerequisites, and then access the floating license server as described above.

Use this command to register your licenses:
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin <password> -activate -id <activationID> -count <number>

  1. <password>: the admin password of your license server, as configured during installation
  2. <activationID>: Your 32-character activation ID.
  3. <number>: The number of license copies you want to activate.

Example: flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin 12345Ab -activate -id 1234-5848-e627-42bc-ae2e-93dc-4f97-5678 -count 5

Note: If you have more than one activation ID, repeat the next section in the command line -activate -id <activationID> -count <number>

Confirm that the licenses are installed by running: flexnetlsadmin -server <licenseServer_baseURL> -features

Click here for an instruction video on adding licenses on a Floating License Server with internet connection


Without an active internet connection

Access the floating license server as described above

Step 1 : Generate the request file

Access the floating license server as described above, and use this command to generate a request file:
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin <password> -activate -id <activationID> -count <number> -o server-request.bin 

  1. <password>: the admin password of your license server, as configured during installation
  2. <activationID>: Your 32-character activation ID.
  3. <number>: The number of license copies you want to generate a request for.

example: flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin Adm1nistrator! -activate -id 1234-721d-44ca-436c-8f9e-f715-08d9-5678 -count 1 -o server-request.bin

Note: if you have more than one activation ID, repeat the next section in the command line: -activate -id <activationID> -count <number>

The request file will be saved in the path of your license server files.

Step 2 : Generate the request file via the Materialise End-User Portal

  1. On a device connected to the internet, go to the Materialise End-User Portal 
  2. Click on Offline License (De)activation
  3. For Upload type, select Generate license or confirm license reduction or return.
  4. Click Choose File, then upload the LicenseRequest.bin file (use a USB stick if needed to transfer it).


Step 3 : Download the License Response file

  1. After uploading, the portal will confirm the license is generated
  2. Download the license file by clicking the provided link
  3. Transfer the file (e.g.: via USB stick) back to your offline device.

Step 4 : Activate the licenses on the License Server

Access the floating license server as described above, and use this command to activate your licenses: 
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin <password> -activate -load capabilityResponse.bin

example: flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin Adm1nistrator! -activate -load capabilityResponse.bin

Click here for an instruction video on adding licenses on a Floating License Server with internet connection


Remove Licenses

Access the floating license server as described above, and use this command to remove your licenses:
flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~-authorize admin <password> -activate -id <activationID> -count 0

  1. <password>: the admin password of your license server, as configured during installation
  2. <activationID>: Your 32-character activation ID.

Example: flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin 12345Ab -activate -id 1234-5848-e627-42bc-ae2e-93dc-4f97-5678 -count 0

Connect Users to the Floating License Server

  1. Share the address and communication port of your Floating License Server with users.
  2. Instruct users to connect to the server using the provided address and port, as detailed in this article.

Click here for an instruction video on connecting users to the Floating License Server


Manage Access to the Floating License Server

You can control access using the following methods:

  1. IT Network Configurations: Ensure compliance with the End User License Agreement (EULA).
  2. Whitelisting/Blacklisting: Use the License Server's built-in functionality to manage who can connect, as detailed in this guide.

Managing the Floating License Server remotely

If you are managing the License Server remotely from another computer, adjust the  -server <licenseServer_baseURL> commands with the base URL of your floating license server: http://<licenseServerHostName:port>/api/1.0/instances/~


Ensure you have a valid Activation ID for your software product

An Activation ID is a 32-character code formatted into eight groups of four characters, like this abcd-ef01-2345-6789-abcd-ef01-2345-6789.
Do not confuse an Activation ID with an Entitlement ID. While they share a similar format, an Entitlement ID represents a collection of one or more individual Activation IDs. If you're unsure whether your Activation ID is valid, verify it through the End-User Portal.
In case you have a 16-character codes, these are CCKEY's and not applicable to this licensing system, but rather the Classic Licensing.



For more detailed documentation on administration of your license server, access the guide from this article or online documentation.



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