How can I migrate from classic Build Processor/QuantAM to Renishaw NxG Build Processor

Migration from QuantAM

If you want to switch from using QuantAM to the Renishaw NxG Build Processor, you can transfer your custom parameter sets by copying and pasting the parameter values from QuantAM to the Build Processor, as shown in the picture below.

However, standard parameter sets can be requested from Renishaw to directly import them into the Build Processor.

Migration from classic Renishaw Build Processor

If you want to switch from using the classic Rneishaw Build Processor to the Renishaw NxG Build Processor, you can transfer your parameter sets by copying and pasting the parameter values from classic Build Processor to the NxG Build Processor, as shown in the picture below.


Although the NxG Build Processor has very similar naming for its parameters compared to the classic Build Processor, it will create a different job file result. You may need to tweak the parameter values to achieve the same part quality as with the classic Build Processor.





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